NEAR Without the Noise: Episode 2 With Dr. Alex Shevchenko

The second episode of NEAR Without the Noise focused primarily on the notion of interoperability and the value provided by the NEAR – ETH Rainbow Bridge, as well as the EVM built into NEAR Protocol. Dr. Alex Shevchenko – a relatively new pick up on the NEAR team discussed the nature of interoperability, the value of blockchain, the importance of a permissionless bridge, as well as the NEAR Team and the roadmap going forward! 

Point 1: Interoperability is a Natural Next Step for Blockchain 

Alex started the conversation by talking about the current state of blockchain and the importance of interoperability between different blockchain networks: Of moving from closed universe’s to being able to put information into the state’s of different blockchains. 

“There will be no single blockchain standard anytime soon. Everyone is trying to be their first creator of blockchains. This means we need to have something that will enable some kind of communication between blockchains. Why is this important? Because Blockchain’s are a closed universe….There is no API that blockchain is able to query from another blockchain: That’s another problem this is something that needs to be solved. We need to have something that would be able to put the information into the state of a different blockchain.”

To build upon the importance of interoperability Dr. Shevchenko used the analogy of intranet and internet in the early days of the internet: 

Point 2: The Design of the NEAR – ETH Bridge is What Makes It Important in the Crypto Space: 

The second point emphasized in the discussion was the value of the NEAR – ETH bridge being built as completely permissionless and decentralized. In the crypto space, Alex emphasized this as being the beginning of a new way of approaching interoperability in a truly blockchain fashion: 

“The most interesting thing about the bridge is how the Bridge was built. In the market we have a lot of proof of authority bridges, where there is an entity holding a key from two accounts. The escrow account or the locker account on one blockchain, and the same entity mints the certificates for these tokens on another blockchain. Lots of different blockchains and everyone is building the bridge in the same way. Whether this entity is a single entity or a multi-signature contract. That is the problem. It goes against the philosophy of decentralization of operations.” 

Point 3: The NEAR – ETH Bridge, and Any Future Bridge Is A Win-Win For Everyone In Crypto

The third major point emphasized by Alex was the importance of Positive Sum approaches to building interoperable infrastructures in crypto. In the case of the NEAR – ETH Bridge, as well as any future bridge built between NEAR and other L1 Protocols the goal was to create a solution that benefits both platforms involved. As Alex explained: 

We would like to be friends with everybody. This is my personal view but this is also the corporate communications: We are not trying to compete with people. We are trying to find some kind of things where we are complementing each other. That is why we have lots of partners and that is why we are talking to lots of different blockchains.”

Point 4: So What Does The Bridge Do? 

Perhaps one of the most overlooked, yet important points made in the entire discussion was the value of the bridge for both NEAR and Ethereum. According to Alex: 

The bridge brings access to liquidity that is available on Ethereum. That is the most important thing. Many of our partners are saying, we would like to launch Automatic Market Making – We would like to launch flash loans, or another DeFi project, so they would like to do it. But in order to do this, they need to have a backbone of DeFi – multiple ERC20 tokens that are interchangeable that they can trade etc. We can launch these tokens on NEAR but it would cost zero. It would be a good addition to NEAR to have this liquidity from Ethereum on NEAR. So that is the most important thing that the bridge is enabling.”

For Ethereum developers the incentive to migrate over to NEAR via the bridge is simple: To scale. As Alex explains: 

In order to scale you need to cut your costs for the gas fees. In order to cut your gas fees you need to go to another layer 2 solution, or some other layer 1 solution that will provide lower cost. Here, the bridge helps you to transition the state of your contracts or the liquidity you are capturing into another blockchain. Another thing that helps you to do this transition is support from EVM on the NEAR side. This is something we are going to roll out soon. In general, this is another thing that helps people to transition.” 

Point 5: The NEAR Team is Stacked

When asked about his experience with the NEAR Team, and his overall thoughts on the quality of the team provided by NEAR, Alex was straightforward in his praise. The NEAR team is one of the most stacked teams in crypto, with the most experience across the board in scaling distributed systems. Notably, the spirit of positive sum engagement with other protocols, and NEAR’s commitment to Decentralization are other perks to add on top of this stacked team. 

Point 6: The Blockchain Inversion is Coming! 

Towards the end of the talk, Alex spoke on the more general topic of the value of blockchain for remaking existing systems in more open, transparent, and decentralized fashions. 

“Blockchain is all about decentralization and permissionless systems: Whether it is finance or organizations – why do we need to have a centralized authority? Why do we need to have a centralized authority for this? I encourage everyone to take a look at the permissionless nature of the bridge…Blockchain is all about this: Why would you sacrifice decentralization and permisionlessness in one piece of your application.”

With a new future that is open – the NEAR – ETH bridge represents a very real bridge between the future: The future of open finance in Ethereum, and the future of the Open Web on NEAR. Check out the full episode with Dr. Alex Shevchenko here

Community Spotlight: Is It Time for NEAR DAOs? A Review in Context

DAO’s or Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, have existing in crypto since the launch of Ethereum and the numerous community pioneered projects built on top of the platform. Now, more than 4 years later, DAO’s remain a fascinating and important community vehicle for funding and supporting new projects in any crypto ecosystem. 

First Things First: What is a DAO and How Can DAO’s Help Grow the NEAR Ecosystem?

Back in September, at the Hack the Rainbow Hackathon, the NEAR Team sat down with a number of experts in the DAO space to go over the state of DAO’s and how a DAO might be useful within the framework of NEAR. The full transcript of that talk can be found here. Meanwhile, the main takeaways include:

“All a DAO really is in my mind, is a multisig with different voting schemes. And so if you can create that function and that voting scheme you basically have a DAO. It’s basically people coordinating whether you own all of those keys to that account. Or its multiple people on the internet – the code doesn’t care about the ownership part of it – and if you have these access permissions you can vote to add people or add methods or remove methods, at a high level – you actually have a DAO.”  

DAOs Generally Defined, NEAR Hack the Rainbow Session 9.

NEAR’s Account Model is Well Suited for DAOs:  So if I were to make an analogy, on Ethereum you have a computer that is only root access, whereas on NEAR the account system is like an ACL essential? An access control list, where you can have different levels of permissions on – so it’s almost like halfway there in terms of becoming a DAO itself.” The NEAR Account model, allowing for function-call limited permissions is well suited for accommodating multisignature activities, from different accounts on the NEAR ecosystem. James, a participant in the panel goes so far to say that NEAR’s inbuilt model is ‘half-way there in terms of becoming a DAO itself.’ 

DAO’s Democratically Fund New Projects Within an Ecosystem: Depending on the amount of funds committed, DAO’s have the opportunity to democratically fund new projects within an Ecosystem based upon the votes of the different members of the DAO. This funding can operate either in an all-or-nothing fashion similar to Moloch DAO, or in an incremental time-dispersal fashion, similar to Colony. The choice is for the community to make! 

There are MANY Different Models for DAO’s Depending on the Interests of the Community: DAO’s are ultimately community run entities for fostering ecosystem development and growth. As such, the community will have to decide on the complexity of the DAO model, the different voting rights and thresholds built into the mechanism, as well as the manner in which projects are funded and how automatic or hands-on the structure itself is. Regardless of the many different model of DAO’s that the NEAR community will have to choose from, what is clear is that DAOs represent a serious upgrade for finance opportunities, within the NEAR ecosystem itself! 

The Time For NEAR DAOs? 

Recently, there has been a proposal put forward for DAO’s on NEAR titled: “DAO Implementation in Rust for NEAR”. As the document goes on to detail: 

“The goal is to implement the Rust version of LAOLAND so anyone using NEAR can use it to manage a DAO. This is also an opportunity to write a standard interface for this architecture so anyone can upgrade their DAO on NEAR or Ethereum.”

In context, this means that a proposal has been put forward to create DAO’s on NEAR. As community vehicles of investment, such an opportunity might be critically important for allowing projects building on NEAR to access capital in their early stages, as they get off the ground! This would also apply for the NEAR Guild program, the Sandbox and future community initiatives, that may need to be funded over time. 

Key questions that the NEAR Community Can Start With: 

Would you be interested in investing in a NEAR DAO to support early ecosystem projects like Plantary

What kind of an entity structure would you like to have a NEAR DAO possible have? 

Are there any early stage ecosystem projects that you think would be key to fund right now? 

Do you have other friends or investors who would be interested in supporting the launch of a NEAR DAO?

Let’s get the conversation going!

An Action Packed NEAR Community Townhall #2:

The second townhall in the NEAR Ecosystem was confidence inspiring and content packed! For an hour and a half, the key players on the NEAR team went through in detail where NEAR has been, what the current status of many initiatives are, and where NEAR is going. A number of highly important points were made during the townhall, relevant for the future development of the NEAR Ecosystem. 

Where Did NEAR Start? 

The townhall kicked off with Alex and Illia discussing the origins of NEAR: It started in 2018, when Alex and Illia were working on an AI based project that they wanted to improve into something similar to Gitcoin. They started using Ethereum to do this, but as they were exploring this idea, they realized that for simple use cases, they would be doing a task and they would end up paying more in transaction fees than they would pay the contractors themselves. That didn’t make any sense, and it prompted a deeper dive into the state of blockchain:

The Inspiring Goal of NEAR: 

“Decentralized Organizations, Open Web, Ownership Economy – they will all operate and be enabled by blockchain, and operate in a borderless fashion being completely community driven without anyone having control over them.” – Alex Skidanov

After the introduction to the origin of NEAR, Alex launched into the main goal of NEAR especially in the context of the type of world that NEAR is going to try to bring about: 

A world where innovation and creativity can flourish, with musicians and artists being rewarded directly. Many new business models will appear – and this is the future that we want to build. When we build NEAR we are not thinking about building a platform for existing use-cases to scale to hundreds of thousands of users, we are thinking of the platform which will enable the decentralized internet of value in the decades to come at scale – Alex S. 

From Origin to Launch: 

The next part of the townhall was a short recap on the launch of NEAR Mainnet. The main points about the timeline and goals of this process include: 

NEAR Mainnet started small and as more was learned, it was expanded into this bigger vision. It became clear during this process that to build NEAR one of the core needs was to solve scalability. 

A second thing that became apparent was Usability. The ability for developers to really quickly go from 0 to their idea – for users to actually be able to use it. If you build your prototype it works. 

The launch spanned from April to October – while NEAR launched after 27 months of building.

Erik Trautman on the Purpose of NEAR: 

Towards the middle of the townhall, CEO of the NEAR Foundation Erik Trautman went over the underlying ethos of NEAR:

“The Purpose of NEAR is to drive community driven innovation to benefit people from around the world. We help builders make stuff and we try to help them distribute that stuff.” – NEAR CEO Erik Trautman 

He then took the time to explain clearly and concisely what exactly NEAR Is: 

What is NEAR? Specifically NEAR is a fundamentally reimagined layer 1 blockchain, It is not a sidechain, it is not a dApp, it is not a layer 2. It is a full blockchain that runs its own independent consensus with its own independent security. The benefits of reinventing that blockchain is that, with this dual mandate that we have to focus on scalability and usability, the only way to address that is to start from the ground up. 

The NEAR Network is Live: Here’s What’s Possible on NEAR Today 

Beyond the key stats shared about accounts, contract deployment and transactions on NEAR, the most important piece of information was shared relating to sharding and the capacity for NEAR to scale: 

“Sharding allows NEAR to scale linearly – in a single shard we can execute around 20,000 transactions per second. Initially launch with 8 shards, and with community governance we will go to 16 – 32 and then beyond.” – Illia P. 

According to Illia: 

“Sharding is critical for bringing a lot of applications and making them successful. The other critical piece is having assets and being able to operate inside the economy.”

More concretely, this means that the build out on opt of NEAR in the future will be centered upon bringing the core building blocks of an open-economy, and open-web onto NEAR to jumpstart development: 

“Tooling and Apps will take some time to build and some time to make sure they are robust. There are a number of ETH applications that are already battle tested.”

Bootstrapping Open Finance, as it was labelled, includes bringing Oracles, Stable Coins, Automated Market Makers, Decentralized Exchanges, Lending, and Risk Management onto NEAR as the core building blocks of the future open economy. 

NEAR Business Development: Alive and Well with Sasha! 

The third and final presentation from a core NEAR team member came from Sasha (Aliaksandr) on the current status of business development upon NEAR. The news he brought was highly important for the entire community:

“The NEAR team is working closely with 17 applications right now, launching at different points in time in November, December, January and February.” – Sasha

Not only is the NEAR team actively stewarding these next projects within the ecosystem – they are also building out community and support systems around the project. As Sasha went on to discuss, this included University Blockchain Groups in the future as a unique target offering for the future of the Open Web. 

Sasha put forward a very important comparison of NEAR in relation to Bitcoin and Ethereum – one that seems poised to fit: 

Bitcoin = Open Money

Ethereum = Open Finance

NEAR = Open Web

What Can You Build on NEAR? What is Already Building on NEAR? 

The final part of the community townhall was devoted to showcasing some of the fascinating projects building and updates on NEAR from the Rainbow hackathon: 

yNEAR – Allows you to send NEAR to Ethereum for DeFi purposes. 

Planetary – AI generated NFT’s that users have the capacity to Harvest and breed. 

Trust Token – Is integrating their stablecoin on NEAR. 

The NEAR Merchandise Store is Launching Soon! 

In what was a total of 1 hour 24min townhall, the NEAR Team covered the comprehensive essentials of where the project stands, as well as where it is going. For any community member, investor, or user interested in building the future of the open web or participating in NEAR, there is no better time to get started!